
Tuesday, July 1

A little update...

Sorry that I have been MIA for a while... I've been working on some things behind the scenes and I hope to get back to blogging regularly... plus I moved to a new house a few months ago which I'm still trying to organise, re-establishing home ed for my two angels has kept me very busy and then I had three family deaths too I know when it rains it pours lol.

But... you'll be very pleased to know there are new Paperbabe Stamps arriving any day now, you cannot imagine the stress of manufacturers when they get it wrong!!! they've put me soo behind I even considered nearly packing it in! Naaa but couldn't do that... I love to design and I will be working with another manufacturer too so I should be well able to keep up with all the art and stamp designs eager to be drawn.

I have a few sneak peeks over at the Paperbabe Stamps blog... if you want to see.

I am also planning getting a design team together... Info coming soon and

I am planning a fortnightly challenge... (about time, I'm sure all you lovely crafters would like a challenge to use your paperbabe stamps, with a few prizes along the way too)

AND I might even have the website reay too, how about that?

Well, thank you for stopping by, 
I hope you're having a wonderfully creative day!
BiG HuGs Kim x


  1. Sorry to hear life has been full of ups and downs Kim. Hope you'll be back blogging again very soon, Jo x

  2. Sorry to hear about whats been happening in your life can be such a rollercoaster at times. Big hugs Tracy xxxx


Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I love receiving your comments and appreciate your time! So leave a comment about anything on my creations!
HuGs Kim x