
Saturday, October 18

What a Rush...

I have had such an amazing time lately, although can't really say much about it at the moment, but am dying to tell about some wonderful news I received this morning ..... all will be revealed in a couple of weeks....

But in the mean time I would like to take your attention to a new area of my crafting....

The wonderful Amy over at Simply Sistas and Card Scents is opening a NEW website called pink papery studios and she has asked ME, yes Me to design some rubber stamps! I am still a bit stunned, but have managed to draw and I have sent a few designs over already! I am so excited totally like a little girl!!! I'm not sure on the exact launch date but will keep you posted and tease with a few sneak peeks!

My cheeks are killing me with all this grinning, way too happy!!! Ok... So I'm super excited... Wooooo Hooooo... You'll have to let me know your thoughts... I WILL keep you all posted I hope you will come and check it all out! HuGs Kim x


  1. Congratulations Kim, I can't wait to see your stamps

  2. WOW! That's fabulous! Well done, and can't wait to see and hear everything!!

  3. Congratualtions Kim!! I am so excited for you and can't wait for hte big reveal!! Hugs, Kelly

  4. `Gorgeous` ...`gorgeous`... cards Kim...
    `Congratulations` look forward to seeing your new stamps..YaahI am delighted for you ...and you should be so `Happy` way to go girl..look forward to your exiting news too!!!
    `enjoy` the rest of your weekend:)~X~

  5. Congratulations! So wonderful that it will be new illustrators out there. We can't get enough of new stamps ;-)) Kram (Hug in Swedish) Anki

  6. Oooooh! How exciting! I can't wait to see your stamp designs kim!
    I'm gonna come back when I've got more time, for a proper look at all of your lovely creations that I have missed!
    Nicola xx

  7. Wow! Fantastic news, so exciting. You must be over the moon. I'll look forward to seeing your work in stamp form. Congratulations!!!!

  8. Oh wow!! that is REALLY AWESOME Kim!! :) YAY!!! Well done!! Can't wait to see your stamps :)

    Oohh... I want to hear your other news too!!



Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I love receiving your comments and appreciate your time! So leave a comment about anything on my creations!
HuGs Kim x