
Sunday, July 20

The Winner is.................

First of all I'd like to give a HUGE thanks to all of you who took the time to visit my blog, leave wonderful and kind comments, look at my projects and of course participating in my giveaway!

What a terrific turnout it was! and I received WAY OVER 40 comments (wow, I was blown away!) in fact I think it was a bit ambitious to have 5 entries for most of you, look at the amount of names I had to write...

But it was great fun and with hat full of special names and two little ones at the ready (an online random number generator would not have worked as well) we pulled out the lucky winner's name...

Who is it? Stop moving Dillon,

You're still moving what is the name?

A bit better but stop moving!!!!

THERE can you see it now? Yes, Congratulations it's Emma. One of my blogging sister's!

Thanks again to everyone who entered and I will get your goodies in the post soon! Well done Emma! HuGs Kim.


  1. How fun!!! Love the pictures! :)
    Yay! Good for Emma :)

  2. Oh Kim I am over the moon. I didn't realise you were putting me in the draw as well as I just wanted to help you get your list back! Thank you so much and I'm going to use it to help make some cards for Penpals. Thank you very much!! Hugs Emma.x

  3. I tagged you on my blog.. Hope you don't mind :)


Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I love receiving your comments and appreciate your time! So leave a comment about anything on my creations!
HuGs Kim x