
Monday, June 30

Candy & catching up

Can't win it if you're not in it... Blog Candy from talented EMMA to celebrate 10,000 hits on her blog ..a £10 voucher to spend as you wish at POPPICRAFTS....
Wow.....pop over to Emma's blog leave a comment before 25th July. That should give you plenty of time to visit Poppicrafts and decide what to spend your winnings on...
I will also have some blog candy soon to celebrate my blogoversary, I just need to get my thank you cards complete!
Sorry if I haven't got around to you yet... I'm just caching up! the thing is i am hugely behind om blog-visiting and emails so if i owe you either or both I will work on that this week, i promise!
Huge HuGs Kim x

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HuGs Kim x