
Thursday, June 26

Blogoversary Today

Wow I can not believe it..... It's my 1st Blogoversary Today, not only that but, it's Maoleidigh's Baptism today and her Great Grandmother's Anniversary! So a Special Day indeed!
I am officially the worst blogger recently too, but I will upload all the cards I've recently made tomorrow and please come back as I will announce some special Blog Candy too!
Thanks for visiting! Have a Great day! HuGs Kim x


  1. Happy blogoversary!

  2. Kim many congratulations on your blogoversary!!
    I was wondering where you had got to but presumed the little one was keeping you busy. Glad every things ok. Hugs Emma.x

  3. hi darling,
    am impressed you managed to post today even tho it maoleidigh's baptism. had a wonderful day and loved seeing you all.
    zita XXX

  4. Happy Blog-a-versary to you!

    You have some competition for the "worst blogger"! Is there an award for that or a badge that I can upload to my blog.

    I'm finding it more and more difficult to keep up with the blog reading and posting. However I get yours via email and enjoy reading whenever you post!

  5. Happy Blogoversary Kim - congrats on your years blogging. Have a great day at the baby's baptism. Hugs, Dawny xxxx

  6. I'm a bit late Kim, but happy blogaversary!!


Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I love receiving your comments and appreciate your time! So leave a comment about anything on my creations!
HuGs Kim x