
Wednesday, August 15

Tutorial - Melted Wax

Stamped Melted Wax

This is what I used for the melted wax technique:

Conte Wax Crayons (or other wax crayons)
Card stock
Rubber Stamp
Greaseproof paper
Baby wipes

First of all cover your iron with the foil and then turn on to medium heat to warm up (you can adjust the temperature to the best for melting your wax crayons).

Test your crayon directly on the foil to see if it melts.

Apply onto your paper don't rub too much or the wax will disappear. I have scrap paper underneath to save worktop.

Apply the next colour no need to clean between colours

Keep applying colour

You can move the wax with the heat and get different textures experiment on scrap till you get desired effect.
I've layered my wax quite thick so I get a deeper impression

Lay your wax-covered paper directly on the rubber stamp

Then the scary bit.... put your iron on top and smooth over. Don't leave your iron too long so as not to melt rubber.

The stamped wax image

You can see the deep impressions from the stamp better in this pic.
Your stamp will now be covered in wax, which I found easy enough to remove by placing greaseproof paper over and heating again with the iron the wax will transfer to greaseproof.

Then use your baby wipes to remove excess, my stamp is now wax free.

Finished Card.

Thank you for looking and have lots of fun having a go. Why not try and experiment with other wax crayons and waxes to see if they melt this is just a guide and I just wanted to show you what I did to achieve this effect.

1 comment:

  1. Hi der,

    Wonderful blog. The photo guide to painting is easy to learn.

    Thanxs it cleared some of my doubts.

    I too a paper freak!



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HuGs Kim x